Can You Make A Septic Tank Less Smelly? And Other Funny Questions Answered

In the midst of septic tank repairs, septic contractors have heard their share of both funny and weird questions. If you have an odd question to ask, you should not be too embarrassed to ask it because your septic contractor has heard his/her share of odd questions. Here are some that go around and have been shared with fellow contractors as a way of creating conversation and communicating new thoughts and ideas. (These questions may alleviate some of your discomfort regarding your own question.)

Can You Make a Septic Tank Less Smelly?

Well, yes and no. Technically, it is scientifically possible if you and your family have a significant change in diet. There are food groups and specific foods that generate stronger and more unpleasant odors in your urine and feces. If you and your family avoid consuming all of those foods/food groups, then your septic tank would smell less foul. However, being what a septic tank is, it is not likely to smell like a bed of roses, even with a major change in eating habits.

Can Adding Microbes Really Help a Septic Tank Stay Cleaner Longer?

This is a fairly common misconception. There are products on the market with microbes in them that do help break down sludge and organic residues in your septic tank. The problem is that these are chemically made, which detracts from the natural anaerobic processes inside your tank.

In fact, the microbes that exist naturally in most septic tanks are killed off by the chemical variety, causing the entire ecosystem in your septic tank to go awry. Do these products make it easier to clean a septic tank and repair it? Sure, but without the natural microbes, you will have to keep buying more and more product to treat your septic tank. It is just better to let the natural microbes do their job; it is free, and it works.

Can Pet "Hair" Clog the Ports in the Septic Tank?

So, you have "in" ports and "out" ports in your septic tank. While the accumulation of human hair down a drain is no big deal for a septic system, pet fur is not hair. Pet hair is heavier, thicker, and often denser than human hair, and it sticks together with all of the rest of the pet "hair" you flush or wash down the bathtub drain. It can clog the ports, so your best bet is to wash Fido and Fluffy outside and not in the family tub.

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