5 Thread Gage Details For Your Facility

Working with metals often includes a variety of materials. Focusing on welds, metal panels and parts could take attention away from the actual "nuts and bolts" used in projects as well. These pieces, along with screws, must fit well together and thread gages often make that possible. Measuring "threads" of screws and nuts ensures solid fitting, and gages are the tools you'll need. What gage details are needed to use them?

1. Using Appropriate Type

If you never knew that "gage" was the name for the tool you've been using, you may also not understand that all kinds of different ones exist. Basic plug gages measure pitch diameter, but if you need information about how many times a screw will be turning every inch, a measurement called TPI, you have to engage a ring gage. Recognizing which gage is most appropriate will save time and get work accomplished faster.

2. Checking Gages

Gages, like most instruments, will wear down over time and be less effective than when they were new. For this reason, testing with master plugs should reveal how effective your gages are on any given day. If you realize they're too old to do their work properly, consider new pieces. 

3. Protecting Against Rust

Gages, like the equipment they measure, are created from metals or metal alloys. As such, corrosion and rust aren't impossible. This is something you'll need to regularly protect against. Watch facility conditions and keep airflow venting well. Ensure that you purchase gages with anti-corrosion properties or that you keep them clean and dry. Oil-based waxes should help too.

4. Keeping Multiple Gages

Whether your gages aren't calibrated properly or are in use by multiple workers at once, keeping multiple gages in workstations and on-site is wise. Estimate need, seek feedback about the types most needed, and buy accordingly.

5. Holding Training Sessions

You may have hired employees based on their abilities with industrial machinery and equipment, but it's possible that their methods have become sloppy or that their memories of the proper technique are rusty. Therefore, it's beneficial to employ training sessions for both new and existing workers. Correct thread gage usage and test accuracy so that when they're using the equipment in their tasks, you can trust their work.

Thread gage experts, retailers, and your own employees can provide more input about how to best work with these pieces in your business. Utilize these suggestions; gage work should be simple and effective for all. For more information, contact a company like WEST port.
